For Travel Africa

Fifty years after the release of the film Born Free, Joanna Eede returns to Meru National Park, where it all began.… Read more

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For National Geographic

The Omo River rises on Ethiopia’s Shewan Highlands, then flows through acacia plains and riverine forests until it reaches Lake Turkana in Kenya. … Read more

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For BBC Wildlife Magazine

Fifty years after the film of George and Joy Adamson’s lives became
a global hit, the president of the Born Free Foundation visited vital lion
conservation projects in Kenya. Joanna Eede accompanied him.… Read more

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For National Geographic

In the shadow of Mount Kenya lie the hot lowlands of Samburu-land. This vast, beautiful region of rocky ridges, acacia grasslands and doum palm forest is the traditional homeland of the Samburu people, the rare Grevy’s zebra… Read more

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For El Mundo

Un hombre y una mujer innus empujan un trineo cargado con sus pertenencias por un río helado en el noreste de Canadá. Hace 50 años aún vivían como cazadores-recolectores seminómadas.… Read more

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